Tips to Save with Pressure Cookers

How to save yourself from poisonous fumes in the kitchen? Use a pressure cooker. Move away from the chulah

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Exposure to poisonous fumes from the chulah is the second largest cause of poor health, especially among rural women.

In case you use a chulah, use a pressure cooker to cut down exposure to fumes by 75% as shown here.

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Utilise the gas connections given under the Ujjwala Scheme. Avoid firewood or coal altogether if possible.

Using a pressure cooker on gas cuts down the gas expenditure by 50%, and saves your money and your health, in other words your gas cylinder may last up to double the time.

Pressure cooking can reduce normal cooking times by as much as half. Foods which take a long time to cook such as dal, pulses, dried peas, beans and tough cuts of meat can be cooked well in a fraction of the normal time. Because food cooks faster in a pressure cooker, you save time, fuel and therefore money.

See more useful tips for saving with pressure cookers below:


Issued in the public interest by Hawkins Cookers Limited
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