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  • In 1864, Georg Gutbrod of Stuttgart began manufacturing pressure cookers made of tinned cast iron.
  • In 1918, Spain granted a patent for the pressure cooker to José Alix Martínez from Zaragoza. Martínez named it the olla exprés, literally "express cooking pot".[1] In 1924, the first pressure cooking recipe book was published, titled "360 fórmulas de cocina Para guisar con la 'olla expres'",[2] or 360 recipes for cooking with a pressure cooker.
  • In 1935, the Automa pressure cooker was introduced. Mountaineers attempting to climb Mount Everest took it along with them to cook in higher altitudes.[3]
  • In 1938, Alfred Vischer presented his invention, the Flex-Seal Speed Cooker, in New York City. Vischer's pressure cooker was the first designed for home use, and its success led to competition among American and European manufacturers.[4]
  • At the 1939 New York World's Fair, the National Pressure Cooker Company, introduced its own pressure cooker.
  • Pressure Cookers made their way to India in the 1950s, with a few manufacturers, most notably Hawkins and TTK Prestige, introducing the concept to Indian consumers, and it has grown steadily since then.
  • From these humble beginnings, pressure cookers have now spread across the globe and are used regularly by millions of consumers all across the world.

Issued in the public interest by Hawkins Cookers Limited
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